ATTENDEES: Jennifer Barber, Bill Bryant, Mike Dayton, John Lee Ellis, Susan France, Don Hamilton, Jim Juehn, Tim Sullivan, Mark Thomas, Jennifer Wise, Terry Zmrhal
- New RBA Approved - Mike Berry has been approved as the new RBA for the San Diego region, taking over from Barclay Brown.
- New Events Approved for Washington DC and Houston.
- Paris-Brest-Paris
- Registration process update - Going smoothly so far. Good cooperation from the ACP in processing our applications. Applicants have been encouraged not to send their application in a way that requires recipient signature.
- PBP Logo Decals designed and produced by RUSA, are available and will be sent to our PBP applicants.
- Membership Update:
- 2685 active members
- 157 couch potatoes
- 610 new members since January 1.
- RUSA Store Update - RUSA wool jerseys have been very popular. We will also be reordering reflective materials (sash, anklebands, etc.).
- 10th Anniversary Planning - Possibilities are being discussed for celebrating RUSA's 10th anniversary in 2008.
- RUSA Medals - Potential for RUSA event medals is being considered.
Submitted by John L. Ellis, RUSA Secretary