ATTENDEES (b=board member): John Lee Ellis(b), Don Hamilton, Rob Hawks (b-elect), Cecil Reniche-Smith (b), Edward Robinson(b), Lois Springsteen (b), Mark Thomas(b), Eric Vigoren (b), Jennifer Wise (b).
- Online Membership Administration. Don Hamilton updated the Board regarding the ongoing project to provide online membership registration and renewal for RUSA applicants and members. The system, now substantially completed, was undergoing expanded testing, with good results. Don hoped that the system would be made generally available for RUSA members' use in the very near future.
- American Randonneur Newsletter Editor and Volunteer Search Lois Springsteen reported that newsletter editor Mike Dayton had expressed optimism and confidence regarding the new committee being established to take over publication of the American Randonneur. The new committee volunteers were continuing to work with Mike toward assuming daily responsibilities for newsletter development and production.
- RUSA "Euro" Decals. In light of growing interest "Euro"-style decals keyed to randonneuring event participation (such as oval decals indicating 1200K, 1000K, etc.), Jennifer Wise suggested RUSA consider offering such decals to its members. After reviewing options and cost issues, the Board asked that Jennifer develop a 1200K decal that could be used to gauge member interest.
- Permanents Issues. Permanents Coordinator Crista Borras recently sought guidance from the Board regarding proper administration of Permanent event registrations and waivers, this in response to questions and comments by a number of Permanent organizers. The Board clarified that organizers could accept facsimiled, photographed, and scanned copies of written event waivers, but that waiver documents submitted with riders' "electronic" signatures were not considered adequate. John Lee Ellis, Cecil Reniche-Smith, and Edward Robinson agreed to coordinate toward preparing updated language describing acceptable waiver forms for RUSA's RBA and Permanents Procedures and FAQs, along with appropriate updates to RUSA's form waiver document.
- American Explorer Award. Jennifer described current progress on development of the American Explorer Award. Among other things, a larger and more impressive physical award was under consideration. This would allow larger, more attractive state emblems for riders to place on the face of the award.