Attendees (b= board member): Board: Bill Beck (b), Lynne Fitzsimmons (b), Spencer Klaassen (b), Mike Dayton (b), Mark Thomas (b), Eric Vigoren (b), Rob Hawks (b), Susan Otcenas (Board Member Elect), Ian Hands (Website Committee)
November Meeting Minutes Approval
Some corrections were submitted.
Mike moved that the minutes be approved with the changes, Eric seconded.
Passed unanimously.
Confirm Email Votes
John Ingold approved as RBA for Northern Arizona.
Spencer – Motion for approval, second by Lynne.
Approved Unanimously
Spencer will let Lois know, for the events.
Website Update
Mike explained to Susan that we want it to be easier to update website content, such as can be done with WordPress, but we want to keep the backend coding and functionality. The first step is to migrate to a different server.
Lynne presented an alternate view that we might want to also modify the user-facing part of the website to also make it more accessible and useful for the website visitors.
The goal is to move the existing website to the new server by Dec 31, 2014. Ian stated that moving is an all or nothing proposition, and there might be a few little things that need post-move fixing.
Lynne suggested some slightly structured website testing of the linode site before it goes live, with the RUSA volunteers who use certain parts of the site as part of their day to day RUSA responsibilities.
Decision was to change over on Sunday, December 7.
Mike suggested looking into switching off our current mail system (mailman) to gmail, and apply to google for a nonprofit account. Lynne likes the google docs aspect of that. Rob noted that google access is locked from some companies; he can’t access it at work.
Electronic Signature inquiry from Jim Wilson and Susan France
Susan O asked that if the requester’s insurance company accepts it, what is the barrier.
Eric said that with 50 states and 50 sets of rules, and RUSA being a national organization, we can’t come up with a blanket waiver, other than a signature on paper.
Mark said that money would be required to do a 50 states legal study. RUSA doesn’t have the funds, so it hasn’t been done. He has been looking into it a bit, and there is more uniformity in the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act. For interstate commerce, electronic signatures are ok. Most states have signed onto it, but not Washington. RUSA is headquartered in Rhode Island, and it is ok there. But he did say that this was just him freelancing, lawyers would have to be paid for an official answer.
Mike said that we want the brevet coordinator to get a signature on paper at the ride start.
There was much discussion around registering on-line, but collecting a signature on the waiver at the start; and also using that as the sign-in, so the organizer knows exactly who is riding on that day.
Mike asked Mark to send their sign-in sheet around; Rob sent the one SFR uses, which is derived from the SIR sign-in sheet.
Riders may register on-line, and even sign a waiver on-line, but still need to sign a waiver at the ride start.
Fleche 22-Hour Rule
Bill said he was getting questions from teams setting up routes for 2015; that they require a business at the 22 hour control location. A team was DQ’d because they weren’t at a business at 22 hours, and they read Jan’s blog, and are bringing it up again. Whatever rule we have, we should apply it uniformly. The way we enforce the 22 hour rule seems the most bizarre thing about the fleche, the way we do it.
Eric said he didn’t remember ever DQ’ing a team.
Bill said that you have to prove where you are.
Mark said that he deals a lot with the French on the fleche. They are always surprised about our results; everyone is exact. In France, they all ride as far as they possibly can, but they keep riding, but still record 22/24 hr. Mark suggests get the location/distance/time recorded, and then proceed to the 22 hr control and get verified there.
There was some question if the current rule had been changed in 2011. Mark said that backing up an RBA lead to this rule change. It is a close call, giving the RBA discretion to do what they think is right. It is different than the way the French write their rules.
Susan asked if the French recognize that at 22hr, might not be able to get a receipt (photo verification). Bill said that seemed like a lot more leeway, and perhaps more in the spirit. Modeling it after the French rule would seem reasonable to him.
Mark proposed that he and Bill come up with a proposal; Mike requested a draft by the January meeting. Eric asked about the % of the original planned route rule; Mark said it used to be in the SIR Fleche rules. Mark said basically that the riders recognize they won’t be somewhere which can be verified at 22 hours, tell us where they are, and then get it verified as soon as possible.
Member Proposal: “Randonneur” Certificate Proposal for First-Time Finishers
(proposal attached)Mike said that in theory, he doesn’t have a problem with it, but riders get their card back, and it has the certificate. Doesn’t know if it is necessary.
Lynne noted that it would be asking more of the RBAs, and we’d have to get buy-in.
Mark added that it could be complicated, and we don’t even know if the rider would want it.
Susan said that Audax UK has something after the results are posted – the rider can click and get a populated certificate they could print out, if they wanted.
Mark likes that way better.
Lynne mentioned that this would only work for RUSA members.
Mike noted that the burden is on the person who wants it.
Audax UK link (click on any rider’s name for the certificate)
Insurance (Eric)
The insurance cycles on Feb 15. It may be harder getting insurance.
Eric reported that list of companies willing to offer that kind of insurance is getting smaller. SIR uses LAB, which has higher rates, $2.90 per rider day. RUSA insurance is just under $2.00 per rider day.
Mike said that at some point we may have to think about how we insure the perms, there might have to be some participation from permanent owners at that point.
Eric said that the brevets are probably not a problem, but perms might be, because they are not defined events.
The next issue is printed, and will be in the mail by the middle of next week. Janice is working on the next issue.
Treasurer/Eric’s Final Board Meeting
Mike thanked Eric for the past 6+ years.
Eric clarified that it has been 8 years.
We’ll miss working with Eric.
Next Meeting
Jan 7 2015, 8pm EDT