By Jennifer Wise
Required Reading: Check out long-distance cyclist, writer and RUSA
member Ed Pavelka's new book The Complete Book of Long-Distance Cycling: Build the Strength, Skills, and Confidence to Ride As
Far As You Want by Edmund R., Ph.D. Burke & Ed Pavelka. It's
the ultimate guide to riding distances of 100 miles and more. A must
for the entry-level or the experienced Randonneur. Available directly
from the publisher at 800-848-4735, from Rodale or
from Amazon for $17.99.
Officers Elected: The newly member-elected RUSA Board held its first meeting in January and elected Officers; President - Jennifer Wise, Vice President - Bill Bryant, Secretary - John Lee Ellis, Treasurer - Dave Jordan. Based on the number of votes for each Board member, the terms of service, as outlined in the Constitution, are as follows: Jennifer Wise: 3 years, Bill Bryant: 3 years, Dave Jordan: 2 years, Lois Springsteen: 2 years, Tim Sullivan: 1 year, John Lee Ellis: 1 year. The RBA Liaison, currently Dave Buzzee, will be relected every year.
Get Well Wishes: Please take a moment to wish RUSA Treasurer and Boston RBA Dave Jordan a full recovery from a broken hip suffered in a fall from his mountain bike last October. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Atlanta RBA Mike DeLong and RUSA Member Steve Yetmen for speedy and healthy recoveries from their unexpected and serious bouts with cancer. Mike and Steve are outstanding randonneurs and just plain good guys. Both have a very positive attitude and a good prognosis. Because of their strong cycling-related physical conditioning, both men have been able to resist the spread of the disease. Both plan to be back on their bikes again this summer. Good job, guys!<.P>
Congratulations to all the receipients of ACP's highest award in Randonneuring: the Randonneur 5000 medal. All 25 applicants were approved and medals awarded in January. See awards for all winners. Congratulations to RUSA Member Larry Midura, the only American to participate in the Perth-Albany-Perth 1200k in Australia last October. Read Larry's PAP ride report.
Plan ahead! It's time to review the extensive RUSA Brevet schedule for the year, and mark your calendars. Think about what 1200k you want to ride this year, in the USA or elsewhere in the world. Read Peter Marshall's detailed article on the London-Edinburgh-London 1400k and think about entering.
Has your membership expired? Use the online RUSA application to renew your membership and continue receiving RUSA's newsletter, American Randonneur.