Headquarters has received many notes of thanks from our RUSA members for the revised randonneuring handbook. It was written with the goal of helping others understand our sport better and to be successful on their first brevets.
Now that all current members have received their copy, in the future it will be sent to new members when they join RUSA. These notes of thanks, along with all the others too numerous to print here, are very much appreciated by the entire team of Volunteers who worked so hard to produce the handbook.
Typical among the messages was one from John Armstrong of Boulder Creek, California:
We have also heard from some randonneuring luminaries outside the USA and their comments are very much appreciated too:
Best regards, Jean-Gualbert Faburel Audax Club Parisien
I just received the RUSA Handbook. Many thanks from Suzanne and me for dedicating it to us. We really appreciate this honor. Congratulations on an important piece of work. It's very well done. The instructions concerning brevets are clear and precise. Thanks again.
Your friends, Suzanne & Bob Lepertel
Best regards, Real Prefontaine Past-President, Randonneurs Mondiaux