Ellis Elected As RBA-Liaison
Edward Robinson and Eric Vigoren have been elected to the RUSA Board for three-year terms from 1/1/2009 to 12/31/2011.
Robinson will fill the seat of retiring board member Mark Thomas, who was not eligible for reelection. Vigoren has been on the board since January 1, 2008, serving out the remainder of the term (1/1/2008-12/31/2008) vacated by Terry Zmrhal's resignation.
John Lee Ellis, a former board member and RUSA Vice President, rejoins the board following his election as RBA Liaison.
Edward and John Lee join continuing board members Don Hamilton, Lois Springsteen, Jennifer Wise, Eric Vigoren and Mike Dayton.
Thanks to Mark Thomas (current RUSA President) for his years of service to U.S. randonneurs and his leadership of RUSA. His presence on the board will be missed and his counsel will continue to be sought.