Les Randonneurs Mondiaux
Rèal Prèfontaine, President
#4 - 35035 Morgan Way
Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Tele: (604)853 9594
Fax: (604)853 4466

President's Letter #5
October, 2001

A. Events of 2001

Randonneurs Mondiaux had an exceptional year. Seven events of 1200 km or more were held in five different countries. There were 359 participants from 16 different countries who com­ pleted a total of 377 brevets. Three (3) participants completed 3 brevets: Ken Bonner from BC Ran­ donneurs, Canada, John Evans from Audax United Kingdom and Kevin Main from Randonneurs USA. The laurel has to go to Ken Bonner who completed the 3800 km in an accumulated time of 219 hours. The objective of les Randonneurs Mondiaux "... to promote, encourage and applaud the efforts of (randonneurs)­cyclists who wish to test their personal limits." has certainly been achieved this year.

B. Randonneurs Mondiaux Structure

At the beginning of my term of office I expressed the need to consolidate the administrative procedures of Randonneurs Mondiaux. In March 2000 I invited all member countries to submit names from their membership to participate in this task. Five countries responded. From the names submit­ ted, an Ad Hoc Committee was formed to which I gave the task of drafting a Constitution and Regu­ lations for Randonneurs Mondiaux. This committee has worked diligently and has now completed their task. It is still a proposal, but the stage has been reached where further input has to come from all member countries.

By January 31, 2003 a final text will be prepared for debate and approval at the August 2003 quadrennial meeting of Randonneurs Mondiaux members in France.

C. Randonneurs Mondiaux Jersey

A design for a Randonneurs Mondiaux jersey has been finalized and a manufacturer from France has been selected based on the quality of the product and the best quote we received. We are now developing a marketing strategy. A copy of the jersey design will be made available via the Internet in March of next year. Procedures to order a jersey will be available via the Internet early next year as well.

D. Randonneurs Mondiaux Calendar ­ 2002 (as of October 1, 2001)

Australia ­ Audax Australia [www.audax.org.au]
1) March 29, 2002: Murray & Bacch 1200 km (starts Baccus March)
Contact: Alan Tonkin: -- Ph: 03 9890 2420

2) April 4, 2002: Captain Thunderbolt's Ride 1200 km (starts Brisbane)
Contact: Peter Moore -- Ph:03 9421 0831

3) September 21, 2002: Mal's Tour de Force 1200 km (starts Hornsby)
Contact: Mal Rogers -- Ph: 02 9983 9258

4) September 30, 2002: Melbourne Express 1200 km (starts Adelaide)
Contact: Matthew Rawnsley -- Ph: 0500 800 105

5) October 15, 2002: Sapphire Shimmy 1200 km (starts Canberra)
Contact: Jon Gowland -- Ph: 02 6291 5495

June 26 ­ 30, 2002 Sofia­Varna­Sofia: (Cycling Club "Sinite kamani" Sliven, Bulgaria)
Contact: Lazar Vladislavov, 2­B­15 Irechek, Silven 8800, Bulgaria
Tel: / Fax: ++359 44 37395
[http://svs cycling.tripod.com/cyclingclub/]

July 24 -- 28, 2002 (tentative) Rocky Mountain 1200 km: (B.C. Randonneur Cycling Club) (starts Kamloops. B.C.)
Contact: Danelle Laidlaw Ph: (604) 731­0043

United States -- Randonneurs USA (www.rusa.org)
August 22 --25, 2002 Boston­Montreal­Boston 1200 km ( Massachusetts, USA)
Contact: Jennifer Wise, 10 Bliss Mine Road, Middletown, RI 02842, USA
Tel: 401 847­1715 Fax: 401 847 1718 [www.bmb1200k.com]

Sept. 5 ­ 9, 2002 Last Chance 1200 km (starts Boulder, Colorado)
Contact: John Lee Ellis, 2155 Dogwood Circle, Louisville, CO 80027, USA