Held FEBRUARY 7, 2018
A meeting of the RUSA Board of Directors was convened by telephone conference and called to order at 1706 PST by the President.
The following Directors were in attendance:
• Debra Banks
• John Lee Ellis
• John Capn Ende
• Nigel Greene
• Jake Kassen
• Lois Springsteen
• Dave Thompson
No others were in attendance.
The minutes from the January 10, 2018 board meeting and the special meeting of January 20, 2018 were approved.
Two motions had been made, seconded, discussed, and voted on by email:
- Replace the initial two sentences in Article 3 of the Rules for Permanent Riders (“To participate in a permanent, a rider proposes a date and time to start the ride, and it must be agreed upon by the route owner. This will be the official start time.” With this: “To participate in a permanent, a rider proposes a date and start time or range of dates and range of starting times to start the ride, and it must be agreed upon by the route owner.”
- Pre-riders are allowed to ride and receive credit for Permanents ridden on the date(s) of the pre-ridden event. It is the RBA's prerogative to allow a pre-ride, and to determine who will ride and when the pre-ride will take place.
The Treasurer presented a January financial report.
Discussion was had regarding PBP 2019 registration information and dissemination to our members via the website.
Discussion was had regarding the effective use of the RUSA Board’s internal calendar.
20th Anniversary planning was discussed with regard to activities, apparel, medals and American Randonneur articles. A motion was made to allow Anniversary medal eligibility to anyone who does a ride (calendar or pre-ride) during our celebration week. The motion was seconded and passed. Medal budgeting was discussed and the RUSA board will poll the RBAs to help determine inventory and policy.
A route categorization committee was convened and will report their findings to the board.
Standards for waivers was discussed and a committee to advise the board will be convened.
The meeting was adjourned at 1902 PST.