Longer brevets, those 1200 KM and longer, are sanctioned by the Randonneurs Mondiaux (RM). The RM President certifies these brevets. The exception is Paris-Brest-Paris (PBP), which remains under the control of the Audax Club Parisien.
The schedule of long brevets worldwide (excluding PBP) for the current calendar year may be found on the Randonneurs Mondiaux (LRM) website. Here is the LRM 2023 schedule.
Longer US brevets that are on the current schedule or might be run again are shown below.
- Blue Ridge to Bay 1200k (DC Randonneurs)
- California Central Coast Randonnée (Santa Cruz Randonneurs)
- Carolina Spring 1200k (Bicycle for Life)
- Cascade 1200 (Seattle International Randonneurs)
- Colorado High Country 1200 (Rocky Mountain Cycling Club)
- Coulee Challenge 1200k (Minnesota Randonneurs)
- Cracker Swamp 1200 (Central Florida Randonneurs)
- Endless Mountains 1240K Randonnée (Pennsylvania Randonneurs)
- Florida Sunshine 1200k (Central Florida Randonneurs)
- Gold Rush Randonnée (Davis Bike Club)
- Hound Dog 1200 (Lone Star Randonneurs)
- Last Chance 1200k Randonnée (Rocky Mountain Cycling Club)
- LOL: Lap of the Lake (Finger Lakes Randonneurs)
- New York - Montréal - New York (New Jersey Randonneurs)
- Northern Virginia Cloverleaf (Northern Virginia Randonneurs)
- Taste of Carolina (Bicycle for Life)
- Texas Rando Stampede (Lone Star Randonneurs)
- Tip to Tail 1600k (South Florida Randonneurs)
- WNY Waterfalls 1200k (Finger Lakes Randonneurs)