Rules for Organizers

Randonneurs USA's Rules for Organizers are adapted from the Audax Club Parisien's (ACP) l' Additif au Règlement Déstiné aux Sociétés Organisatrices. Some portions apply only in the U.S. Newer editions supercede older ones.

Randonneurs USA

Rules for Organizers


These rules cover (a) events sanctioned by RUSA and Audax Club Parisien - Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux (BRM) - and (b) non-BRM events sanctioned by RUSA.

Regional Brevet Administrators requesting permission to organize these events are bound to strictly enforce the Rules for Riders, as well as to comply with the Rules for Organizers.

These events are not casual affairs. Event organizers must take their responsibilities seriously. Organizers must respect the events and those who regularly participate in them. To assure the events maintain the reputation, which any of those worthy of the title randonneur have come to expect, do not hesitate to penalize any participant for any violation of the rules.

The Audax Club Parisien and Randonneurs USA thank all volunteers who contribute to the organization of these events, and as a consequence the development of long distance cycling, both in France and abroad.

Requirements for Organizing Events:

BRM Events – Regional Brevet Administrators (RBAs) seeking permission to organize BRM events must submit their brevet calendars for the following year to RUSA before October 1. RUSA will in turn transmit them to the ACP's Representative for Foreign BRM events before the due date.

For events to be officially designated as Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux they must be on the official ACP calendar published each year in January. Consequently, it is absolutely imperative that event calendars be submitted on time. RUSA will notify those organizers requesting to schedule events, but whose events will not carried on the official calendar. Organizers are equally responsible to notify RUSA of any cancellation or change of dates.

RUSA non-BRM Events – RBAs seeking permission to organize RUSA non-BRM events must submit their events to RUSA at least five weeks prior to their scheduled date.


The RUSA-appointed Regional Brevet Administrator is the liaison and responsible individual to RUSA for the sanctioned events in the RBA's region. RUSA's relationship to organizing regions is with the RBA.


The Audax Club Parisien and RUSA require that all organizing clubs and event participants be covered by liability insurance.


Each event must use a RUSA-certified route. An event's route may be assigned after the event is approved for scheduling. An existing certified route may be used. New or changed routes must be submitted to RUSA at least a month before the date of the event where it is first to be used.

Choosing the route is left to the organizer; however, routes consisting of doing the same loop multiple times, regardless of the distance of the brevet, are not permitted. Ideally, routes should be out and back, on low traffic roads, and on roads that are easy to follow. Extreme terrain should be advertised as such when the ride is first publicized. The date and location of a ride should take into consideration possible weather conditions to avoid, when possible, such as snow, or extreme cold or heat.

Cue sheets should be clear and accurate, and contain all relevant details. Mileage must be determined from state road maps, odometers, or computer mapping programs. Total distance for an event must always be at least the official distance for the brevet and may exceed the official distance by a few miles. The cue sheet must include the location of all checkpoints, as well as, their opening and closing times.

A brevet may have only one starting point. Organizers in the same region or locality may, however, organize brevets starting on the same date and time and using the same route. This exception to the rule is allowed only for those clubs which agree to coordinate their checkpoints, so that a checkpoint serving as the start point for some riders will also be an intermediary checkpoint for those having started at another checkpoint.


Checkpoints should be more or less regularly spaced between the brevet start and finish. According to the distance, there should be 2 to 4 checkpoints for a 200 KM brevet, 3 to 5 checkpoints for a 300 KM brevet, 4 to 6 checkpoints for a 400 brevet, 5 to 7 checkpoints for a 600 KM brevet, and 6 to 10 checkpoints for a 1000 KM brevet. Additional checkpoints should be located at any point along the route where a material shortcut might be taken.. The start and finish checkpoints should be manned by one or more people selected by the organizer.

To the extent possible, these checkpoints should be staffed at all times between their official opening and closing times. Other checkpoints should be similarly staffed. Preferably, checkpoints should be located in an establishment, a business for example, where all participants may have their brevet cards verified and stamped. The address of the establishment should be listed on the brevet card, or the locale in the case of an open checkpoint. Start and finish checkpoints must be timed. (They may not be information or postcard checkpoints.)

Brevet Cards:

RUSA brevet cards are available online under RBA Resources.

Organizers must provide a brevet card for each participant, including any event-related information required on the card (date, distance, control information). On the inside of the route card, organizers must note the place name, address, mileage, and the opening and closing times for each checkpoint. (Start, intermediate checkpoints, and finish.)

Calculation of Opening and Closing Times:


A - Start Checkpoint:

Opening: The start time is set by the organizer (time X).

Closing: The closing time for the start checkpoint is 1 hour after the opening time (time X).

B - Intermediate Checkpoints:

Opening and Closing: Opening and closing times for intermediate checkpoints are determined by adding minimum and maximum travel times to the start checkpoint's opening time. Travel times are calculated by dividing the total distance of the checkpoint from the start by a minimum and a maximum speed. Minimum and maximum speeds vary according to total distance.

C - Finish Checkpoint:

Opening: The opening time for the finish checkpoint is calculated in the same way as those for the intermediate checkpoints, however, the theoretical distance (200, 300, 400, 600 KM) is used.

Closing: The closing time for the finish checkpoint is calculated by adding the maximum permitted time for the brevet to the opening time of the start checkpoint. Maximum permitted times (in hours and minutes, HH:MM) are 13:30 for 200 KM, 20:00 for 300 KM, 27:00 for 400 KM, 40:00 for 600 KM, and 75:00 for 1000 KM.

D - Example calculation:



Checkpoint Date Opening and Closing Times Calculation
Start: 03/30 Opens 06:00 (06:00 + 00:00)
Closes 07:00 (06:00 + 01:00)
47 km 03/30 Opens 07:23 (06:00 + 01:23)
Closes 09:08 (06:00 + 03:08)
95.5 km (96) 03/30 Opens 08:49 (06:00 + 02:49)
Closes 12:24 (06:00 + 06:24)
148 km 03/30 Opens 10:21 (06:00 + 04:21)
Closes 15:52 (06:00 + 09:52)
Finish: (204 km) 03/30 Opens 11:53 (06:00 + 05:53)
Closes 19:30 (06:00 + 13:30)



Checkpoint Date Opening and Closing Times Calculation
Start: 07/15 Opens 05:00 (05:00 + 00:00)
Closes 06:00 (05:00 + 01:00)
92 km 07/15 Opens 07:42 (05:00 + 02:42)
Closes 11:08 (05:00 + 06:08)
199.5 km (200) 07/15 Opens 10:53 (05:00 + 05:53)
Closes 18:20 (05:00 + 13:20)
307 km 07/15 Opens 14:14 (05:00 + 09:14)
07/16 Closes 01:28 (05:00 + 20:28)
401 km 07/15 Opens 17:10 (05:00 + 12:10)
07/16 Closes 07:44 (05:00 + 26:44)
497.5 km (498) 07/15 Opens 20:24 (05:00 + 15:24)
07/16 Closes 14:12 (05:00 + 33:12)
Finish: (603 km) 07/15 Opens 23:48 (05:00 + 18:48)
07/16 Closes 21:00 (05:00 + 40:00)


For an intermediate checkpoint at 200 km the closing time is 13:20. For an intermediate checkpoint at 400 km the closing time is 26:40. A times calculator is available online under RBA Resources.


Before the start, the organizer must provide each rider with a cue sheet and make available a set of brevet rules. Riders must acquaint themselves with the rules, as well as comply with them. Riders register for the event by completing, in full, a registration form. Registered riders receive a properly prepared brevet card. At each checkpoint staffed by the organizers, the organizer's staff should stamp the riders' route cards and note the time of arrival to the checkpoint. In the case of the start checkpoint, the time of departure is noted. At the finish, the organizer should have the rider sign their route card.

Checking Brevet Route Cards:

At the finish, the organizer must collect the route card of each rider completing the brevet within the time limits.

The organizer must verify that each card has the following:

  • a stamp from each of the checkpoints
  • the time of arrival at each checkpoint
  • in the case of checkpoints without a member of the organizing staff present either: (1) a postcard notation (to be verified against receipt of the postcard and its postmark); (2) a store receipt or other proof of purchase with the time and date noted; or (3) information concerning a predetermined and identifiable landmark or sign with the time and date noted. The organizer can prescribe which option is to be allowed for a given checkpoint.
  • the signature of the rider.


The organizer must calculate the total time for the brevet and note it on the rider's route card in the space provided.

Brevet Results:

Organizers should tabulate brevet results within 7 days of the conclusion of the event. Tabulations should be in the form required by RUSA, including the names of all riders who successfully completed the brevet, their RUSA member numbers (for those who are members), and their elapsed times.

Any published brevet results should list riders alphabetically by last name and not by the order of the riders' arrival or total elapsed time.

Brevet results should be submitted to RUSA no later than 7 days after the event.

Organizers who are organizing a BRM event for the first time must also send all the riders' route cards. This requirement allows RUSA to verify that the organizer fully understands the BRM rules and has properly implemented them. Any organizer of any BRM event may be required to submit the event's route cards for the ACP's review.

Official Certification:

RUSA will review brevet results submitted by organizers and verify that the brevets have been properly executed. Upon verification, RUSA will post the results including the certification number for each rider. For BRM events, a sticker with the same certification number will also be sent to the RBA. Stickers are to be placed on the riders' route cards in the space provided. Completed cards should then be returned to the riders by the organizer.

Original translation by Johnny Bertrand. Adapted by the RUSA Board.