Attendees: Debra Banks (b), John Lee Ellis(b), Lynne Fitzsimmons(b), Rob Hawks(b), Spencer Klaassen(b), Susan Otcenas(b), Mark Thomas (b)
1 Meeting minutes and highlights approval
1.1 April Meeting Minutes approval
- Passed
1.2 March meeting highlights approval
- Passed
2 Confirm Email Votes for Long Island Populaire Calendared Distance Change
- Passed
- Noted that riders should not be punished for RBA errors.
3 RUSA Future
The Board discussed possibilities about where we wanted RUSA to go in the future. The following topics were discussed:
3.1 Definition of Randonneuring in the United States
The Board felt that we want more people to be Randonneurs, but do not want to change the definition of a Randonneur. People who want to do what we do – we should find a way for them to find us, but shouldn’t necessarily include gravel rides and shorter rides. We don't want to change what IS randonneuring, we want more people to know there IS randonneuring.
How can we improve or enhance what we do? Some do not want the organization to be “stuck in the mud”, especially with respect to technology. There are ways of validating results which don’t involve pen and paper or cash register receipts. It could be these changes which attract people to the sport, who want to use GPS, and don't want to carry around a piece of paper.
3.2 Program
RBA Continuing Education was mentioned – an ongoing series of short statements/presentations to the RBA list.
What program changes do we envision for the membership as a whole? Do we want to create more programs to make a healthier, stronger RUSA program? Do we want to dial back? Do we want more of an international presence?
3.3 Gravel
Some regions offer a gravel series.
Those of us who have been around the organization longer have heard the conversation about giving gravel brevets longer time limits. Not advocating changing our basic tenets of rando, but maybe add to them. D-12 (dirt) vs R-12. It is great to have a variety of other roads to ride.
3.4 Outreach
RBA materials – should we create a canned presentation template which RBAs can take and use (this was a suggestion from an RBA)
How do we do outreach?
Where do we want to see RUSA? Do we want to be expanding membership? Yes, but there isn’t an exact answer.
In some regions, large participation increases would overwhelm the local resources (c-stores, etc), and require more volunteers to facilitate the event.
3.4.1 Women
Increasing participation by women - some say we should encourage more participation by women in our sport. Are there more women who want to do this? Is there something we are doing which is turning them away? One tries to make sure there are opportunities, that people who want to do them will come, and that the message is distributed as widely as possible.
3.5 Conclusion
The Board will revisit this discussion at a future meeting.
4 San Diego Helmetless Non-registered Rider
The rider is question is not a RUSA member. He doesn’t want to wear a helmet, does not register for the rides or sign a waiver. He still rides the SD events, apparently with SD riders who do not discourage him from riding along.
The RBA is stepping down, because he does not want to take on the liability of this rider causing an accident during an event.
It was suggested that the RBA disqualify the riders who ride with him, as that is in violation of the “no outside support” rule. This is a tough situation, because it has been going on for several years, and this person is friends with several of the SD riders.
The RBA is planning to cancel future events and step down.
5 Financials, Paypal Changes, and Impact to Accounting
Our cash position is good, YTD profit and loss looks about the same, but $2-3k better. We are in a hole in the spring because of insurance; nothing really to report.
Paypal has changed their reporting format – it looks prettier but the amount of business information is less. The treasurer was able to back into the needed information.
The Treasurer points out that once our online RBA invoicing for insurance goes live, it will save her work contacting the RBAs manually.
6 RUSA Logo Update
The parameters of the RUSA Logo design have been specified:
- it must have Randonneurs USA on it,
- it needs to communicate that we are a bicycling organization, as well as representing the USA, and
- can have 3 colors plus black and white (which are typically not charged).
Electronic submissions are due August 1.
The announcement soliciting submissions is on the RUSA website, the RBA list, and the RUSA Facebook page. We are invited to forward the announcement as appropriate.
7 RBA Store Update
The RUSA Store stock has been transferred to Deb Banks in California. She’ll keep it in the warehouse she uses for her business.
Investigations are continuing on vendor fulfillment for apparel items. When the new logo is selected, there will be a basis for further discussion.
There are ongoing store managment transition and CA sales tax discussions.
8 RUSA Website
Team Events (fleche, dart, arrow) results entry is at the top of the list. It is a more complex results structure than other events.
The Mondial/Galaxy transition is complete.
Insurance billing is waiting its turn in the queue. It still needs the UI/workflow design finalized.
The Donate button requirements have been collected and the UI/workflow is designed; awaiting it’s turn in the queue.
The existing static (.html) pages can now be converted to the Drupal framework.
9 Other Business
There is an RBA who has not renewed his membership, nor did he submit a calendar for this year. His insurance waiver is not on file.
The region had a total of 9 finishers last year. Another attempt will be made to contact that RBA.
10 Next Meeting
June 1, 2016, 5:00pm PDT