RUSA Board Meeting Highlights, September 7 2016

September 7, 2016

Attendees:  Debra Banks (b), John Lee Ellis(b),  Lynne Fitzsimmons(b),  Rob Hawks(b),  Spencer Klaassen(b),  Susan Otcenas(b),  Mark Thomas (b)

1. Approval of June highlights and July and August minutes

  • June highlights and July minutes approved.
  • August minutes approval deferred.

2. Timing of Minutes and Highlights Drafts for Review

The discussion included both timing and content.  For content, while the greater detail in the highlights was lauded as an improvement, it was felt that slightly less detail would be more appropriate.

It was settled on the delivery of the minutes draft would be no later than one week after the board meeting, and comments and/acknowledgement no later than two weeks after the board meeting.

3. The Future/Frequency of the Paper Copy of the American Randonneur Magazine

The board discussed modifying the number of paper issues of the American Randonneur Magazine.


Currently AmR is published quarterly.  It costs the organization $35-$40k to print and mail the magazine.  The only paid position in RUSA is the magazine layout contractor.  Advertising currently brings in under $7k.  It is not clear that hiring someone to manage advertising is feasible when the cost will likely consume much of the advertising revenue.

The board discussed the timeliness of publication, the relative expense of a print document, the frequency of issues, types of content better suited to electronic publication vs print publication, and the impact of paper content.


The board decided that we were not ready to reduce the frequency or content in AmR. The board recognizes that 4 print issues a year is more impactful than receiving something in email.

4. Status of RUSA Regions Heading Toward 2017 Calendar Review

RBAs will be reminded that the calendar submission deadline is approaching.  8 regions have submitted calendars out of the 62 total regions.

RBAs will also be reminded to put their 1000km and 1200km rides on the 1200k spreadsheet.

5. Confirmation of Email Votes

The board voted to approve confirming email votes for adding post-hoc events to MA: Boston and FL: Central Fla.

6. Status of Election for 2017 Board of Directors and RBA-L

A printed Call for Nominations was inserted into the Fall AmR before printing.

Additionally, the Call for Nominations will be sent out via MailChimp; our first membership-wide email.  RUSA has email addresses for all but 10 members.  This will flush out all the invalid email addresses.  Those members will be contacted to get updated email contact information.

Candidate statements will be on the website and delivered by email.  For the few members who are not reachable by email, a paper ballot/candidate statements will be mailed to their address of record.

It was suggested that candidates be given a short list of items (professional skills, previous board experience, and issues they are interested in working on during their board service ) for guidance to consider when creating their statements.

7. Website Update (Insurance coding, DART/Arrow, Website team candidates)

Development queue

  • Dart/Arrow Results Submission
  • Insurance Status and Billing


Several board members expressed displeasure with the slow pace of getting the website fully functional.  The work isn’t getting done, and we do not have enough people who know how to do the work on the team.

Historically, RUSA had a single volunteer design and implement the website.  It worked for 12 years.  There is a radical difference between then and now.  The current website team does not have as complete a knowledge of the current functionality of parts of the site as the original developers.

Unlike other volunteer positions, this requires technical skill as well as a serious time commitment.  Initiatives were undertaken without a full understanding of the consequences.

The active content on the site is based on an arcane technology.  While re-architecting and strategic initiatives are great, the main responsibility of the website committee is to keep the site functional.

The treasurer requested that the insurance functionality be completed soonest, as the end of the year is only 4 months away, and, as she has not been billing RBAs for their insurance, and has no way to enter payments if she did receive them.

8. Final review regarding response to previous Board vote on exception request to rules/criteria for Pop Perms/P12 award

The board discussed posting the final response on the RUSA website and fb page.

Vote to publish the board response to the rider


9. Financial

2015 RUSA Tax Return

The treasurer requested that board members acknowledge receipt of their copy of the 2015 tax return.

Future Expenses

The treasurer reported that the ACP sent  3+ years’ worth of brevet medals; she expect RUSA to receive a big ($12k) bill toward the end of this year or early next year.

A larger insurance bill is also expected, we have had two medical claims this year.

Converting RUSA Accounting Methods for Tax Reporting


  • RUSA books are kept using the accrual method; we accrue liabilities and expenses even though there is not cash in/out.
  • Taxes would be easier and more straightforward to file.  RUSA has never been purely a cash-based organization, because we do have inventory.   
  • The process is filing a tax form, should we decide to change the tax reporting method.
  • Potential long-term issues were discussed.  There really aren’t any. 

Vote to Switch from Cash to Accrual Accounting for Tax Purposes


10. Other Business

Logo Discussion

Deferred to email.

Awards Committee Report

After the August meeting, the Board asked the Awards Committee to consider how the current Awards Program, and any future awards would best serve RUSA's mission.

The board received a document organizing and summarizing the contributions of the Awards committee.  Board members are requested to read the document and continue the discussion in email.

11. Next Meeting

October 5, 2016, 5:00pm PDT