Begin by examining each control card. Investigate any missing times or date stamps from control points. Calculate the elapsed time for each finisher. Finally, sign or stamp each card you approve.
For each control card that lacks a RUSA number, check if the individual has a RUSA number and enter it on the card. Often, members will forget their number or neglect to enter it.
The result submission process is much easier for riders with RUSA numbers than for those without. When entering information into the form, you enter just the RUSA number to identify either a current or an expired member; the name will be supplied automatically from RUSA's membership records. However, if you supply only the number, and it is incorrect, credit won’t be given to the intended rider. Therefore, if you enter only the number, check carefully that the retrieved member name is the right one.
For finishers without a RUSA number, you must type the full name into the submission form. Consult the membership database to obtain RUSA numbers for current and expired members.
If you fail to enter a member's RUSA number during the result submission process, that rider’s results will be processed as a non-member, the brevet will not be counted as a PBP qualifier for riders applying through RUSA, the results will not show up on the web site, and it will not count toward RUSA or ACP awards. |
If you detect a missing RUSA number after submitting your results, contact the Brevet Coordinator immediately, as it may be possible to repair the submission. That said, it is time consuming for results to be "patched up" after the fact, so getting the RUSA numbers entered correctly is essential. The RUSA web site displays brevet results for members only.